You can return your purchased item for a full refund
or exchange with 29 days if you are not 100% happy.
We have endeavoured to source the highest quality garments in
Australia and inspect each item individually for faults and defects
before sending for your wearing pleasure.
If you wish to return your item, drop us an email with your contact
details and item to be returned to
Please read these points before considering a return….
*Items must be returned unworn and unwashed with original packaging.
Any items not in this condition will not be accepted.
*Returns will be considered within 29 days of purchase.
*The cost of return of the item falls with you. We will give you an
$8 discount voucher for your next purchase and offset your postage costs.
*Return and exchange time frames are dependant on the postal service of
different area's. We will endeavour to turn things around for you as
quickly as possible.